Lucky Summary

Lucky Summary

Unlike many other students, Alice wasn’t particularly happy and – as it turned out to be later – lucky on that spring day. Completely unaware of any danger, she was going through the park when somebody grabbed her. After a short but rather intense fight, she understood that she was not going to win. The man who attacked her stayed mute to her begging and cries. As soon as it became clear that he was not going to let her go, the girl accepted inevitable. She had to survive and that was her main goal. Alice was raped but alive and that was better than to be raped and dead. The following medical examination proved that she was a virgin before the assault.

The questioning at the police station was no less difficult. Being dressed in clothes her friends hurriedly gathered and brought her, she looked too provocative for her liking. Every task exhausted her. She had to retell the details of rape and describe the assaulter’s appearance, but couldn’t concentrate on that because of medication. When everything was over, Alice’s mother took her home.

After rather awkward summer at home, Alice wanted to return to the college. She always thought that her family was weird. Her mother and her constant panic attacks, her father and his obsession with Spanish literature and her goodie two shoes sister just didn’t know how to help her. Frankly speaking, neither did Alice.

After returning to the college, she grew apart with her old friends. They were not comfortable in each other’s company anymore. She quickly found a new friend and moved in a new dorm. One day, absolutely accidentally she met her assaulter and went to the police station. Then a long and tiresome trail started. It took several months, but Alice won. That guy went to jail.

In spite of her expectation, it was not so easy to move on. The assault and trail were still a big part of her life. After a long period of pretty pointless life full of drugs and time killing, she decided to leave New York. Moving to California gave her a new start. She started writing again.

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