Lost Horizon

List the things that impress Conway on his first day at Shangri-La (chapter four)

List the things that impress Conway on his first day at Shangri-La (chapter four)

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Conway was impressed by the central heating, the baths, the valet.... and the treatment.

That a Tibetan monastery should possess a system of central heating was not, perhaps, so very remarkable in an age that supplied even Lhasa with telephones; but that it should combine the mechanics of Western hygiene with so much that was Eastern and traditional, struck him as exceedingly singular. The bath, for instance, in which he had recently luxuriated, had been of a delicate green porcelain, a product, according to inscription, of Akron, Ohio. Yet the native attendant had valeted him in Chinese fashion, cleansing his ears and nostrils, and passing a thin, silk swab under his lower eyelids. He had wondered at the time if and how his three companions were receiving similar attentions.


Lost Horizon