Lord of the Flies

How does the lord of the flies have elements of civics and citizenship contained within it?

summarize the elements of civics and citzenship in the lord of the flies

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This is a pretty detailed question for this short-answer forum. Both Ralph and Jack symbolize different types of government. Ralph symbolizes democracy. The boys elect Ralph as leader, "elect" being the operative word here. Ralph shares responsibilities with the other boys. He is a boy who leads by example. Ralph has a vision, as much as a boy can have, of a functioning society. Ralph even gives Jack control of a sort of army/hunting wing of government. Ralph evolves by utilizing the strengths of other boys, like Simon and Piggy, to help develop a better society and perhaps get rescued. Jack represents an autocratic dictatorship. He has no interest in society or rescue. At first Jack seems content to hunt and play his quasi-war games. Later, like many emerging democracies, the military leader is not content to work in a democracy. Jack takes control and becomes the autocratic dictator who leads by fear instead of consultation and example. By the end of the novel Jack sets himself up as sort of a God/King, “Jack, now a leader sits on a great log, painted and garlanded as an idol.” The civilized democracy of Ralph has long been forgotten.