Lord of the Flies

How does Ralph behave towards others? Give examples.

  1. How does Ralph behave towards others? Give examples.
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Ralph is the first character we meet in The Lord of The Flies. He is the model of a leader. He is bright, athletic, the “golden boy.” He is chosen as leader and tries to lead as a civilized Englishman would. He attempts to organize the boys for the path of civilized survival until the rescue arrives. Shelters must be built, food must be found, and most of all a fire must be built and maintained so that a rescue ship can see their smoke.Things begin to fall apart. Jack wants to hunt. He wants meat and he wants leadership. Ralph is increasingly intimidated by Jack. He continues to back down and chaos continues to grow. Ralph tries his best to treat the boys with respect. The trouble is that the majority of the boys don't want to be treated with respect: they want to be told what to do and be free of responsibility.