Lord of the Flies

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of depicting Golding's story on film

The theme is When civilization does not exist, humans are susceptible to change, going from good to evil.

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Film versions of books are from the studio/director’s point of view so viewers do not have the same relationship with the narrative as a reader might have of the text. The trouble is also that studios want to put out a movie that will make them the most money possible. When classic books are source material, producers tend to stay clear of details that they think will not sell well to the general public. Movies however can garner a massive audience that might convince people to read the actual source material (books). That is a good thing! You can see this happened with movies like The Hunger Games series.

I forgot to mention that it is the 1963 version. Is that the answer for that version or for 1990?

Plz advise?

I think this works for any film version. The 1963 version is more complete than the 1990 version but modern audiences generally would not have the patience for it. Film versions, no matter how good or bad, give a different experience than the original written text.