Lord of the Flies

Describe Ralph, Piggy and Jack. What do they look like? How do they act towards each other, and towards the larger group? Use text evidence to support your answer (find and explicate at least two quotes for each boy).

Describe Ralph, Piggy and Jack. What do they look like? How do they act towards each other, and towards the larger group? Use text evidence to support your answer (find and explicate at least two quotes for each boy).

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Ralph is a good looking boy, fair, and has the build that might make him a boxer one day. Golding points out there was something likable about Ralph, "there was a mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil". Ralph spends much of the book trying to first appease Jack and then manage Jack.

Jack is a thin bony boy who is aggressive from the beginning. He challenges Ralph feeling that he should be chief. He has red hair and freckles. Jack is an antagonist to Ralph for most of the book.

Piggy is fat as his name suggests. Golding never gives Piggy a name to emphasize how the boys see him and how they treat him. Piggy has a lot of information but is constantly a victim-figure to Jack and other more aggressive boys like Roger.