Little Brother

Who ultimately betrays Marcus, and how and why? Whom does Marcus ultimately trust to save himself and his friends? Is this a surprising choice? What actions do Marcus and his confidantes take to help him regain a certain type of freedom? How does Marcus f

Part 2. Open-Ended Questions. 1. Why do Van and Jolu break away from Marcus? If you had been part of Marcus’s group, would you have stuck with him? Why or why not? Your answer: 2. Does the media overemphasize identity theft and internet predators while underplaying the danger of being “watched” by legal government and corporate agencies through credit card use, transportation monitoring, etc.? How has this imbalance occurred and is surveillance the greater danger? Your answer: 3. “Don’t Trust Anyone Over 25” becomes an XNet motto and then a merchandized slogan. How does today’s internet quicken public adoption of new ideas? Is this a good thing, a dangerous thing, or both? Your answer: 4. How does Marcus’s physical relationship with Ange affect his actions and attitudes? Is the absence of physical contact an important consideration when studying the internet? Do people treat others the same way in internet conversations as they do face-to-face? If not, what are the differences? Your answer: 5. Who ultimately betrays Marcus, and how and why? Whom does Marcus ultimately trust to save himself and his friends? Is this a surprising choice? What actions do Marcus and his confidantes take to help him regain a certain type of freedom? How does Marcus feel about going down this path? Your answer:

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