Little Brother

Little Brother

How does Marcus’s physical relationship with Ange affect his actions and attitudes? Is the absence of physical contact an important consideration when studying the internet? Do people treat others the same way in internet conversations as they do face-to-face? If not, what are the differences?

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This is only a short answer space and you have many questions here. Ange enters the novel a substantial ways in, at Marcus's key-trading party, and becomes his unexpected love interested. She and Marcus have always been friends with Jolu, but they don't meet until the aforementioned party at Sutro Baths, where she helps sell the key idea that Marcus came up with and is trying to promote. He finds her attractive in an unexpected, clunky sort of way. Ange is a spice junkie and carries a capsaicin mister with her wherever she goes. Like many other characters in the novel, she substantially contibutes to and helps Marcus's movement.