Little Brother

In what year or decade do you think Little Brother takes place? Cite passages from the novel to support your answer. Do you think the story could happen today? Why or why not?

In what year or decade do you think Little Brother takes place? Cite passages from the novel
to support your answer. Do you think the story could happen today? Why or why not?

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This novel is set in San Francisco, California. The time period is some time after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. This is known because there are several references to the September 11 attacks. However, there is no specific year noted. It is also understood that several months, probably about four months, has passed between the time of the attacks and the time that Marcus is arrested the second time by the DHS. This can be determined because Marcus makes the comment that Zeb had been imprisoned in Treasure Island for three months and had managed to get out. It can be assumed that about a month or more passes between the time that Marcus first meets Zeb and Treasure Island is invaded.