Little Brother

How does the author use Marcus’s mother and father to represent different points of view about government oversight of individuals? Which parent best represents your perspective?


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Drew Yallow is Marcus' father, and he clashes with his digital freedom-loving son over the fact that he supports the measures that the DHS is taking in response to the terrorist attack. One night, he gets pulled over twice by the DHS for interrogations, and while that slightly derails his support of the DHS's methods, he doesn't really turn against them until Marcus tells him about the secret interrogations. Overall, we get the feeling that he is a good father to Marcus and supports him for the most part.

Lillian is Marcus' mom, and she comes from England. Her job is to help other British people integrate into the United States socially and culturally. One scene that perfectly illustrates who her character is..... is her standoff with the two detectives that Marcus nicknames Booger and Zit. She sides with Marcus on the topic of what the DHS is doing, believing that it is unfair and ineffective. She and Drew almost got divorced a couple of years ago, but they fixed their marriage for Marcus.

The last part of your question calls for your opinion.


Little Brother