Lies My Teacher Told Me

What does Loewen’s book tell us about Stephen Douglas that textbooks do not? 2. What is your reaction after reading the 1864 Democratic songbook lyrics of “The New National Anthem”?

Lies my teacher told me chapter 5 part 2

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From the text:

Thus, although textbooks devote a great deal of attention to Stephen A. Douglas, the most important leader of the Democratic Party at mid-century, they suppress his racism. Recall that Douglas had bulldozed what came to be called the Kansas-Nebraska Act through Congress in 1854. Douglas himself, a senator from Illinois and seeker of the presidency, was neither for nor against slavery. He mainly wanted the United States to organize territorial governments in Kansas and Nebraska, until then Indian land, because he was connected with interests that wanted to run a railroad through the territory. He needed Southern votes.

The second part of your question calls for your opinion.


Lies My Teacher Told Me