Lies My Teacher Told Me

Lies My teacher told me Chapter 4

The Iroquois League played what important part in the development of the United States?

In what way were the purchase of Manhattan for $24 and the 15 million dollar Louisiana Purchase similar?

The War of 1812 was supposedly fought because of “Britain’s refusal to show proper respect to American ships and seaman.” But the real reason for the war was ….

A British settlement on Roanoke Island “disappeared” and became known as the Lost Colony. To justify brutality against the Indians, Europeans claimed the Colony had been wiped out by hostile Indians. But another explanation of what happened to the Lost Colony is ….

Most textbooks imply that Indians could not acculturate (join) white society because of some cultural defect. The real reason Indians could not acculturate into white society is ….

To create an analogy, Loewen describes a situation involving “all people whose last name starts with the letter L.” What point is he trying to make?

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The Iroquois League played what important part in the development of the United States?

Well before Europeans came to North America, they organized the Iroquois League. The goal was to promote peace among themselves. Their system of government was so good, it inspired the framers of the U.S. Constitution.

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