
In the book, Legend, what does it teach us about our society?

In the book legend what does it teach us about our society? List two example to support your thinking.

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Different themes that might be applied to our own society are as follows;

The Republic is a place of extreme economic polarization. High-ranking characters like June and Thomas enjoy lavish lifestyles and fancy events, while the poor live in slums and don't receive adequate medical care. Just as importantly, the Republic limits the opportunities that poor people have to succeed. Lu suggests that scores on the Trial are determined by how much money a person has, a system that helps the rich get richer and the poor stay poorer. Ultimately, the terrible conditions in the Lake sector help convince June to question the Republic and its values.

All of the protagonists in Legend are primarily driven by love for their families. This love takes many different forms, positive and negative. After Metias dies, June has no family, so she instead focuses on getting revenge for his murder. Day, on the other hand, stays in Los Angeles despite the danger and the miserable conditions so he can continue to provide for his mother and brothers. Lu also acknowledges the importance of adopted families. Tess becomes as important to Day as a blood sibling; at the end of the novel, he decides to check on her even before rescuing Eden. Similarly, Lu hints that by the end of the novel, June has begun to see Tess and Day as her family. This interpretation of their relationship helps explain why their friendship allows June to finally let go of her anger about Metias's death.

