Lazarillo de Tormes Irony

Lazarillo de Tormes Irony

Religion of love

For a very long period of time, Europe was dominated by Christianity, the main religion. Among the most important Christian principles, there is the principle of love according to which every Christian man, woman or child must love their neighbor. This is ironic considering how the Christians in Europe decided to behave with their neighbors and the atrocities they did in the name of religion.

The justice of the country

Lazaro’s mother suffered greatly because her husband was arrested by the police. She had to agree to work as a slave in the house of a wealthy politician had to marry a black man who was beneath her social status and she even had to prostitute herself to feed her child. It is ironic to see that the reason why she ended up in that situation was because her husband had to steal flour from the mill he worked at to feed his family. This shows that the state, instead of helping the poor families escape from their poverty, they only make things worse for them by trapping them in a vicious circle.

Running away from his own father

After Lazaro’s mother remarried, she got pregnant and soon gave birth to a baby boy that had dark skin. She eventually married her child’s father and the four began living together as a family. Ironically however, as the child grew, he began to resent his father for the color of his skin even though he was dark skinned as well. For him this didn’t mattered and he would often run away from his father and into his mother’s arms just because his father had dark skin.

Punished for trying to help

Both Lazaro’s biological father and his step-father tried to help their families and those around them by providing them with food and other basic necessities. Ironically, while they were only trying to do their best at doing their job as fathers and head of the families, they were forced to do it in a way that meant breaking the law. This is what drove both men away and what put their lives in danger.

Not so safe

When one thinks about family, the thing that comes to mind is the idea that parents should take of their children, protect them and provide for them. When someone hears about parents abandoning their children, the idea seems unnatural and even barbaric. But the truth is that some families, pushed by economic uncertainty, are forced to give up their children to help them have a better chance in life. This happened to Lazaro as well who was given up by his mother when things became tough.

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