Killing Rage: Ending Racism Literary Elements

Killing Rage: Ending Racism Literary Elements


Collection of essays

Setting and Context

The action described in the essays takes place in America in present time.

Narrator and Point of View

The action is told from the perspective of a first-person subjective point of view.

Tone and Mood

The tone and mood in the essays is a violent and tense one.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonists are the black characters and the antagonists are the white people who persecute them and treat them with violence.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is between the white characters and the black characters and is caused by racism.


Each essay has a different climactic moment because each one tells a different story. However, almost in every essay, the climactic moment is identified as the point when the black person gains a sense of freedom and feels powerful.


The title of the book foreshadows the violent events which will later be described in the essays.




One of the main allusions the reader can find in the essays is the idea that white people can't comprehend the idea that a black person can gain wealth through legal means.


One of the most important imagery is that of the frog boiling in the water. This image is extremely important because it shows the way in which black people feel and the issues they have to go through.


One of the most paradoxical ideas is the way in which the black characters continue to put their faith in the government even though the government is largely composed of white people who only want to suppress them even more,


The most obvious parallelism found in the essays is the comparison made between the black and white populations. This parallelism is used here to show just how much the black population is discriminated against and how much they have to suffer because they are seen as inferior when compared to their white counterparts.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The term "red" is used by many of the characters as a general way through which they make reference to the rage they feel when they are discriminated against.


We have a personification in the line "the clubs fell on our back with no sense of mercy".

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