Jurassic Park Imagery

Jurassic Park Imagery

The bit man

In the prologue, Bobbie Carter takes care of a young injured man. The injuries are described and when the injured man is asked what happened, he tells them that a raptor did that to him. The young man eventually dies because of his injuries and while other people who knew about what happened to him tried to hide the real cause of his death, it became clear that the boy was attacked by some sort of animal. The image is important because it shows just how dangerous the creatures were and how powerless the humans were in comparison with them.

A real dinosaur

The people who agreed to go to the island first see a live dinosaur at the end of the second part of the novel. All the characters remain amazed at the sight of a creature that was supposed to be extinct and the image of the dinosaur is important because it proves that science is limitless and that anything is possible.

Attacking the fence

Another important image appears in the third part of the book when the visitors see the raptors attacking the electric fence that protects the humans in the park from the rest of the raptors. Some of the characters note that the raptors do not seem to mind being electrocuted by the fence and that they continue attacking it with the same ferocity. This image is important because it shows just how dangerous the creatures were and it showed just how vulnerable humans were, protected by a simple fence.


Another important image is that of Nedry’s dead body. Nedry was the one who put everyone in danger by shutting down the security systems on the island. Unfortunately, Nedry was not able to get safely off the island and he was caught by one of the raptors who killed him and then dismembered him. The image of Nedry’s dead body is important because it shows just how vicious the raptors can be and how dangerous they are.

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