John Lydgate: Poems Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the poem “ from The Testament of John Lydgate” achieve its rhythm?

    John Lydgate substitute ‘y’ with ‘i’ in some words.For example he writes the word nailed as ‘nayled’; the word lift as ‘lyft’. Similarly Lydgate adds ‘e’ at the end of some words such as ‘crye’, ‘lambe’ and ‘beholde’. The substitution and addition of ‘e’ modifies the stress syllables in the words and generates a rhythmical tone that endears the sinner to be penitent as a compensation for Jesus’ sacrifice and anguish.

  2. 2

    Why does the author repeat the words, “for lack of money, I could not succeed” at the end of each stanza in “ London Lickpenny”?

    The repetition emphasizes the indispensability of money. Money cannot be replaced with appeals to pathos, and appeals to religion since the appeals do not hold any purchasing power. The indispensability of money grinds down of intrinsic worth of love and responsiveness.

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