Jane Eyre

What is the relationship between the setting, character, and theme in Jane Eyre and what are some examples of that in the book.

What is the relationship between the setting, character, and theme in Jane Eyre and what are some examples of that in the book.

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The settings vary in the book; there is Lowood where Jane is treated badly although she gains a good friend, but then her friend dies. Then she goes to work for Mr. Rochester. The setting is somewhat rich; her charge, Rochester's ward, is interested in Jane and wants Jane to feel comfortable although that is sometimes difficult when Rochester comes and goes so much. When Jane leaves Rochester, goes to St. John Rivers, and ultimately becomes wealthy in her own right, she finds that she wants to go back to the "setting" where she left the man she loves. Ultimately, she goes back to Rochester in her partially burned mansion, confesses her love, and finds that setting to bring her peace and happiness.