Into the Wild

What are the circumstances of Krakauer's departure from Boulder, where he was working as a carpenter?

in chapter 14

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Krakauer decided he was going to climb Devil's Thumb. That was it..... he simply quit his job as a carpenter and left for Alaska. No looking back.

And if I did pull it off ... I was afraid to let myself imagine the triumphant aftermath, lest I invite a jinx. But I never had any doubt that climbing the Devils Thumb would transform my life. How could it not?

I was working then as an itinerant carpenter, framing condominiums in Boulder for $3.50 an hour. One afternoon, after nine hours of humping two-bytens and driving sixteen-penny nails, I told my boss I was quitting: “No, not in a couple of weeks, Steve; right now was more like what I had in mind.” It took me a few hours to clear my tools and other belongings out of the crummy job-site trailer where I’d been squatting. And then I climbed into my car and departed for Alaska. I was surprised, as always, by how easy the act of leaving was, and how good it felt.


Into the Wild