Into the Wild

does chris get along with his family

does chris get along with his family

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Chris didn't get on well with his family due to considerable differences in their values. Chris believed his parents to be hypocrites. He didn't agree with their lifestyle or what he saw as their materialism. He wanted freedom from their expectations.... he wanted to make it on his own. For Chris, making it on his own required giving away all he'd been given and breaking off all contact. Chris did, however, keep in touch with his sister for a period of time. All in all, I believe that Chris would have reunited with his family had he not died an untimely death.

Both father and son were stubborn and high-strung. Given Walt's need to exert control and Chris's extravagantly independent nature, polarization was inevitable... He brooded at length over what he perceived to be his father's moral shortcomings, the hypocrisy of his parents' lifestyle, the tyranny of their conditional love.


Into the Wild