Into the Wild

Consider McCandless's family history. Characterize each of McCandless's family members. What are their strengths and weaknesses?

Consider McCandless's family history. Characterize each of McCandless's family members. What are their strengths and weaknesses? (provide textual evidence).

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Chris comes from a upper middle class family. His dad was pretty much estranged after Chris found out about the affair. Father (Walt) is taciturn, passionate and stubborn, much like his son, and also brilliant, musically talented, with a mercurial temper. Billie is a very petite woman who meets Walt while working as a secretary at the company he works for before they split off to start their own company together. Like Walt and her children, she is very passionate, with a strong temper. Carine is Chris’s younger sister, with whom he is extremely close. Carine looks a lot like Chris, and is also energetic, self-assured, and a high-achiever, but unlike Chris is very gregarious, forgiving of people’s faults, and happily fits into capitalist society.