In the Time of the Butterflies

Each of the girls becomes disillusioned in her own way threw out the book. Investigate the different episodes that lead each sister to view the world around her differently?

All chapter. like a paragraph for each sister if you could please.

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I'm sorry, this is a short-answer question forum designed for specific questions. The information you request would take far longer than the forum allows. You might want to check the Gradesaver theme I've attached below. It might give you some extra ideas. If you have any further specific questions, feel free to ask.

Weaving and Thread

Throughout the novel, all of the sisters use the conceit of life having strings or thoughts that get knotted and must be sorted out, or strings that provide connections which bind people together. For instance, when Patria loses her unborn child, she “went over and over my life to this point, complicating the threads with my fingers, knotting everything,” confused about how this tragedy happened. Also, when Dede remembers watching her sisters as they approached her house, she says, “It was as if the three fates were approaching, their scissors poised to snip the knot that was keeping Dede’s life from falling apart.”

The imagery of woven threads as thoughts appears again in Chapter 6 as Minerva struggles with decisions about where her life should go: “Back and forth my mind went, weaving a yes by night and unraveling it by day to a no.” (This is also a reference to Penelope, the wife of Odysseus, who kept putting off her suitors by never finishing her weaving because every night she would undo the work she had done by day.) The yes-or-no question is whether she loves Lio; she cannot decide on this important life-changing question. The threads of her decision seem to fit together at night, but she feels torn during the day. Ultimately, the decision is made for her when he decides to go to asylum.

In Chapter 11, the symbol of threads as connections extends to both a personal level and a national level. When Maria Teresa discusses with Magdalena the connections between people, they decide, “There is something deeper. Sometimes I really feel it in here, especially late at night, a current going among us, like an invisible needle stitching us together into the glorious, free nation we are becoming.”

In Chapter 12, Minerva tries to get her old self back: “And so the struggle with her began. The struggle to get my old self back from her. Late in the night, I’d lie in bed, thinking, You must gather up the broken threads and tie them together.” Somehow the threads of life are worse than just being untangled and dissociated from one another; they are broken. She is trying to reinvigorate the “calm, courageous compañera” whom Manolomarried.

The sisters also keep their lives together by literally using thread in their dressmaking business. “We couldn’t sleep nights, so we sewed. Sometimes Patria started a rosary, and we all joined in, stitching and praying so as not to let our minds roam.” Focusing on physical threads keeps them from dwelling on the distressing threads of their lives.
