In Dreams Begin Responsibilities and Other Stories Characters

In Dreams Begin Responsibilities and Other Stories Character List

The protagonist

We do not know the name of the protagonist, but we know that he is 21 years old. He is sitting in the theatre and watching a movie. Then he realizes that the movie is about his parents when they were young. However, the young man finds it all false and continues yelling at the screen, telling the heroes to stop. Finally he is led out from the theatre.

The father

The father is 29 years old; he is a businessman, loves boasting and when proposing to the mother he says that his business is prospering and a big amount of money it so be made soon. The protagonist notices that his father always exaggerates. As we see later, the father is very impatient person, and burst out very easily and vents his anger on the people around.

The mother

The mother’s character does not strike the reader so vividly as the father’s, but it is clear that she is also very stubborn.

The old lady

The old lady is a woman who sits by the protagonist in the theatre and tries to calm him every time he starts yelling.

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