If I Die in a Combat Zone Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is O’Brien holding the government accountable for using men to fight a battle, which on no account needed to exist?

    O’Brien is a soldier who has taken part in oversees war and he is now returning home. He is very disappointed because his expectations are not met as promised by the government. He says that the government intends to exploit the thousands of men who participate in the war. He realizes that the government made so many promises that it never fulfilled after his return from the war. Before going to participate in the war, O'Brien had no choice of not going but he comforted himself that it was his divine duty to do so. However, after the war, he feels manipulated and that is exactly what is happening to all his comrade soldiers. The government takes his virtuousness away from him.

  2. 2

    What pushes O'Brien to learn that it is critical to apply courage as a discipline to extend his mental reasoning?

    There is an internal force telling O'Brien that heroism and patriotism might cost him his life as he participates in war. These thoughts are tearing away his confidence at war but he soldiers on to accomplish the mission of fighting for his country. Despite the intentions of his body for him to despair, he decides to embrace courage and this plays a significant role in helping him become one of the best performers in the warfare. Therefore, he learns that courage is a powerful tool because it overcomes fear to make one victorious.

  3. 3

    Is O’Brien’s participation in the Vietnam War an irony?

    O’Brien was opposed to going to war but the government made the participation involuntary. He had no choice but to take part due to mandatory command from the government. However, he thought that the war was not necessary because it had no moral grounds. The government just wanted to participate and win. Upon arriving at war, he was ordered to participate in missions that were against his will. Therefore, it is ironic that the government can force its soldiers to participate in unnecessary war just to justify its curiosity.

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