I Am No One You Know: Stories Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Joyce Carol Oates indicating that seclusion has nothing to do with privacy?

    As per the reader’s comprehension potential, seclusion and privacy are two terms that are interchangeably used. However, Joyce Carol argues that seclusion can result in mental illness. For instance, she refers to Lili Rose who is feeling alone and tries to fight back and accept that she is cast out. Lili finds her circumstances to be unjust, excruciating and demoralizing. She is in a difficult situation, which makes her review her deeds that resulted in her current situation. However, Joyce Carol thinks that Lilli's actions are closely associated with the lack of parental guidance and love. Someone who grows without parental guidance finds herself involved in actions that result in self-unawareness. Lili finds it hard to know who she is and this further brings her problems related to self-identity.

  2. 2

    What does Vivian mean when she says, How do you lose a life”?

    Vivian is asking herself this question after the demise of her parents. The incident of losing her loving parents happens too fast that she does not comprehend why God is being unfair to her. According to Vivian, her parents are the greatest treasure in her life and now it has been snatched away from her by death. When she stares at their ancient home, she asks herself how could it be possible that she lost a life that fast. She even thinks that it is unrealistic that her parents are gone forever. She is left in seclusion now and she thinks that the world is not ready to accommodate her. She encourages herself that she is free to continue living despite the calamities that have befallen her.

  3. 3

    How does Joyce Carol Oates build the theme of aggression in her poem I Am No One You Know?

    Oates is of the opinion that aggression is an act that can be controlled. Cruelty is rampant among individuals and it is not surreptitious that even close members of the family can be unkind. However, Oates argues that cruelty cannot be used to solve problems in society and instead, it adds more misery to the current situation. The reader notes that the author assumes that people should no which approach to use when dealing with cruelty. For instance, the is no need for blaming the violent victim without addressing the underlying issues that resulted in his cruelty.

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