I Am No One You Know: Stories

I Am No One You Know: Stories Analysis

I am no one you know by Joyce Carol Oates is a collection of short stories that you wouldn’t want to read whilst being depressed. The author doesn’t spare readers’ feelings, bringing their attention to the worst in our society. In spite of the fact that some of the stories prove to be brutally cruel, it is a must-read work for those who wants to have a look at our world from a new perspective.

Joyce Carol Oates brings up a topic of racism at least three times. There is no need to say that racism is a destructive idea that poisons minds and bodies; it brings so much hate into this world, making people behave irrationally, cruelly, and violently. The writer describes real cases of it and fabricated ones. For instance, when Lili Rose’s brothers kill a black boy just because they don’t like him, don’t think of him as an equal, and do believe that they have a right, they behave like racists. They wouldn’t have done that if the boy was white. Such a behavior should be punished severely and fairly, so that others wouldn’t dare to do that. However, when the protagonist of "In Hiding" is scared of looking like a racist just because she wants to present a black poet with a book of other black poets’ works, this is a plain absurdity. No need to start a witch hunt and see evidence of racism in every little thing.

As it has been already mentioned, Joyce Carol Oates pays a lot of attention to a theme of violence. "The Girl with the Blackened Eye" is one of the most difficult for reading. A teenage girl is kidnapped by a stranger who rapes, beats, and violates her. He can kill her whenever he wants and he can spare her life too. The rapist enjoys the power he has over other people, he likes feeling strong whilst his victims are weak. "Happiness" is also based on a theme of violence. It shows what long-lasting consequence it has. People who come from abusive families repeat the scenario – though involuntarily – they have seen in their families. "The Death: An Elegy" proves that violence is contagious, it manages to bring the worst in people no matter how close they are and how strong their love is. We are not perfect, there is always something that irritates us in other people and vice verse, but it doesn’t give us a right to resort to physical or emotional violence. The most difficult task is to control a beast inside and don’t let it out.

I am no one you know by Joyce Carol Oates is not only about racism, violence, and other rather unpleasant aspects of people’s life, it is also about love, regret, and existence in general. It reminds us of importance of being reasonable and kind. It inspires to improve oneself, be a better version of oneself. This collection of short novels might help readers to notice injustice in this world.

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