I Am Malala

I Am Malala

Malala’s relationship with her parents, particularly her father, is arguably one of the most important factors in Malala’s story. Malala writes, “It was my grandmother’s faith in my father that gave him the courage to find his own proud path he could travel along. This is the path that he would later show me” . What are some of her father’s courageous acts that appear to inspire Malala most, and lead her on her own “path”? How does Malala’s courage mirror that of her father’s? How does Malala’s relationship with her mother compare with her relationship with her father? What does she see as her mother’s virtues?

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I'm sorry, this is a short-answer literature forum.

One of Malala's father's most courageous acts was to run a school for girls in a world where girls were, for the most part, left uneducated. When the mufti tried to close them down, Malala's father resisted. When the Taliban arrived and forbid the education of girls, Malala's father publicly spoke out against them.

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I Am Malala