I Am Malala

How does Malala´s overcoming of the main tragedy in the story help bring her closer to standing up for what she believes in?

The main tragedy in the story was Malala getting shot by Taliban for being a girl who goes to school and stands up for other girls in her community so they can get a good, free education. In chapter 4 page 118, it states that the Taliban thought Malala should be killed. However, I cannot find where in the book it says the tragedy brings her closer to standing up for what she believes in.

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The main tragedy in the story was Malala getting shot by Taliban for being a girl who goes to school and stands up for other girls in her community so they can get a good, free education. In chapter 4 page 118, it states that the Taliban thought Malala should be killed. However, I cannot find where in the book it says the tragedy brings her closer to standing up for what she believes in.