I Am Malala

Describe Malala’s family.

How do she and her brothers interact like most siblings ? Explain how her family is different from her relatives in the rural mountain village of Shangla.

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Malala's mother supported both Malala and father in their goal to educate girls. This was not an easy thing to do. Malala and her father were targeted by the Taliban for their efforts. Even though mother was not educated, she believed in the importance of education for girls. She supports Malala's education as well as the school.

Malala's father always held education in the highest regard. He felt that education was the only way Afghanistan can move out of the seemingly perpetual cycle of war and oppression. He saw in Malala, his daughter, and the chance for girls to change the status quo. Education could bring Afghanistan out of bickering patriarchal factions into a more unified and enlightened country. Malal took advantage of her father's progressive attitude and hungered for education. Malala loved her mother and she liked her independent and kind spirit. Malala, however, was influenced more byher father. Malala had a good relationship with her brothers: they always teased each other.