I Am Legend Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What caused the infection?

    A clinical study was done that showed the cure for cancer had been found. People began to be injected with the cure, but soon after it mutated their cells and turned them into living zombies.

  2. 2

    Why won't Robert leave New York in search of other survivors?

    Robert is dedicated to staying in New York in order to find the cure for the virus as his wife and daughter were killed during the evacuation. It is now his life's purpose to stay at ground zero in order to have the best odds of finding a viable and replicable cure to save the human race from extinction.

  3. 3

    What is the name of the mannequin that Robert yells at in the street and shoots, and what is the significance of the mannequin having a name?

    The name of the mannequin in the story is Fred. Robert has named him and other mannequin's at a local DVD store and become so attached to them that they are real to him. He has created personas for them in order to have some connection to the world so that he does not go crazy from isolation.

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