I Am Legend

How’d Robert Neville get a new car?


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From the text:

It had all taken time and work. First of all was the matter of a new car to replace the one they’d destroyed. This had been more difficult than he’d imagined. He had to get over to Santa Monica to the only Willys store he knew about. The Willys station wagons were the only ones he had had any experience with, and this didn’t seem quite the time to start experimenting. He couldn’t walk to Santa Monica, so he had to try using one of the many cars parked around the neighborhood. But most of them were inoperative for one reason or another: a dead battery, a clogged fuel pump, no gasoline, flat tires. Finally, in a garage about a mile from the house, he found a car he could get started, and he drove quickly to Santa Monica to pick up another station wagon. He put a new battery in it, filled its tank with gasoline, put gasoline drums in the back, and drove home. He got back to the house about an hour before sunset.


I Am Legend