I Am David

What is David's apperance (hair colour, eye colour and clothing style) What is his personality like and what are the languages he speaks?

What is his apperance, clothing style and personality. *Questions are in title*

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David is a Jewish kid during the Holocaust, but he has been in concentration camps as long as he can remember, without really understanding why he is there. His family died early, so he doesn't have any of the cultural knowledge from his heritage. One day, someone helps him escape, and this novel follows his journey toward safety as he travels south toward Italy and then eventually to Denmark. David is a Christ-figure. He sees the world differently than others: he sees the good in people and situations. David also has difficulty understanding why Carlo and the other children don't appreciate all they have . At one point, he refuses to play a game involving prisoners and jailers, and attempts to explain to the others why playing such a game is evil, but ultimately fails to make them understand. David exists outside of the main stream.