Hunters in the Snow and Other Stories Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Explain the woman’s (in “Next Door”) tendency to mistreat at the baby.

    The narrator recounts, ”Ditto,' I say, trying to remember what happened last month to make my wife not feel sorry for the woman next door. I don't feel sorry for her either, but then I never have. She yells at the baby, and excuse me, but I'm not about to get all excited over someone who treats a child like that. She screams things like 'I thought I told you to stay in your bedroom!' and here the baby can't even talk yet." Psychoanalytically, the woman Displaces her fury ( which is evident in her yelling) on the baby. She resents the baby as if the baby as if the baby is the cause of the antagonism between her and her husband. Manifestly, the woman does not adore the baby for she directs all her wrath towards the infant.

  2. 2

    Why does Tub shoot Kenny? - “Hunters in the Snow”

    Tub asserts that he shoots Kenny because “He was going to shoot me but I shot him first." Tub is afraid of Kenney shooting him next considering that Kenny has been on a shooting spree whereby he has shot a dog, a post and a tree. He shoots Kenny as a proactive measure to thwart him from shooting next. Psychologically, Tub’s fear of being shot activates his fight mechanism, which prompts him to shoot Kenny.

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