How Many Miles to Basra? Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is guilt explored in the story?

    Guilt plays a central role in shaping the events that happen in this work. When all hell breaks loose and innocent civilians end up on the wrong side of events, death is the outcome. Iraqi civilians got killed by British soldiers while on their way to deliver a ransom to a Sheikh who kidnapped the wife of one of the men. The British sergeant feeling guilty for the turn of events decides to take on himself, and his men, the responsibility of handing over the ransom to the Sheikh, and the events get even more interesting. Because most of the events happening in the story are centered around the escapades of these British soldiers who fall in this position because of their sergeant, it becomes explicit just how much a role, guilt plays in the work.

  2. 2

    Explain the character of Ursula as brought out in this work.

    Being the only survivor of the worse turn of events in Iraq, Ursula’s survival instincts cannot be missed. Even then, when the real story behind the turn of events in Iraq is to be blemished, her fighter instincts, truthfulness, and honesty are emphasized. Ursula even fights with an editor with regards to their insistence of portraying the deceased soldiers are heroes as it does not sit well with her character.

  3. 3

    Explore the idea of death in this work

    As with any war, death and violence are central players in this work. The story begins with the soldiers readying themselves to go home after the end of their mission in the country. However, at a routine check, events turn for the worst, and unarmed men lose their lives in the events that ensue. As the sergeant is overcome with guilt and decides to lead the mission of the dead civilians to the end, events that follow become all too dangerous and all the involved individuals lose their lives, well except for Ursula who lives to tell the story. Death is what dots this story.

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