House on Mango Street

Lessons Learned

I need to do a longer Essay on 3 things Esperanza learns in The House on Mango Street??? Any ideas.

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you can probably just write about how she learns that through perseverance and will anyone, even an immigrant woman, though perhaps frowned upon at taking a significant role in society, can indeed be successful to an extent as she sees alicia go off to school as a role model. also, you can write about how she learns about intolerance, such as when people make fun of the mamacita lady, or the various husbands/fathers beat their wives/daughters out of superiority complexes, or even just the girls making fun of her mom on the playground. You can also write about her realization of her development and adulthood. The kiss that she had symbolized a coming of age or loss of innocent type of moment, and afterwards she reaches the realizations that wewre not present earlier in her life such as that perhaps bringing a rice sandwhich to school isnt the best idea. You can mention though that she continuously, though throwing aside a number of childhood whims, continues to pursue that of an exodus from mango street, as she clearly centers around leaving the street throughout the whole book. hope it helps

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