Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

What are some significant quotes/moments/pages?

What are certain page numbers that have a significant meaning to the book. ex: parts where we new learn stuff abou each character, historical refrence, note worthy diolauge, etc.

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I hope my passing brings the two of you together.


For many years, Henry and Marty have been using Ethel as “a bridge” between them. It is not like Henry doesn’t love his son, on the contrary, he is proud of him, his main problem is that he doesn’t know how to show his love. His own father had never had long heart-to-heart talks with him or spent time with him longer than necessary. The only one thing, which helps Ethel to put up with an idea of her own death, is a hope that her “passing brings” the father and the son together. She doesn’t want them to be lonely, when they have each other.

I’ve busted my tail on my grades, I’ve tried to be the son you want me to be.


Henry has never thought that he has been treating his own son just like his own father had treated him many years ago. When Marty was still a little boy, Henry wasn’t generous with his time and warm feelings, it was Ethel who showered the boy with love. Marty couldn’t understand what was wrong and tried to win his father’s affection. Marty confessed, “I’ve tried to be the son you want me to be” and his confession sounded like an accusation, for no matter how much he worked it seemed that it wasn’t enough for Henry. If Henry was a little bit more open and attentive, he would spare his only one son years of worries and struggles. This quote shows how important it is to communicate.

