Heart of Darkness

what is the significance of the title heart of darkness?

what is the significance of the title heart of darkness?

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The title Heart of Darkness is significant because it alludes to both the physical darkness and moral darkness present on the river. 


Heart of Darkness

Title Meaning

Title meaning The entire theme of the Novel lies in its title. The darkness refers to the dark civilization of Africa and Heart symbolizes the very core of the African nation where people are savage, inhuman, uncivilized and fully ignorant. Symbolically the title deals with the unexplored story and history of civil and uncivil spirit in nature and human heart.

This is very obvious that human minds are consist of a certain complexity. We cannot all together can get rid of the negativity of our mind. We are a mixed creature of good and bad. The author wants ua to believe that there are we possess much or less darkness in our mind. Sometimes we never hesitare to expose them, or sometimes we do it privately.

Colonialism has a deep impression of bitter life throughout the history. The system has changed the view of the mankind. The direct or indirect hatred toward them is the provement of the agony that sufferers feel. Colonialism only brings mental and spritual disaster under the cover of meterial development.

The character of Kurtz and the uncivil native Africans are the main subjects of the novel. The character of Kurtz is mysterious and symbolic. He is the true representative of the mankind where he is made of both something very good and somothing very bad. The native represent the unbound darkness of human.