He Knew He Was Right Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why are the characters in He Knew He Was Right by Anthony Trollope driven by their youthful desires for each other?

    Characters such as Emily, Nora, Louis and Colonel among others are driven by their youthful desires because of love, intimacy, and marriage. For instance, Emily is the wife of Louis but she is intimate with Colonel and other suitors who keep on visiting her home. Louis is not happy with this and sometimes he quarrels with his wife. There is a lack of trust in their marriage because Emily is entertaining other suitors who are after her. Nora is living with Emily and Louis and she also has many suitors Charles and Hugh.

  2. 2

    Is the marriage between Emily and Louis used symbolically to represent lack of mistrust in relationships?

    To a great extent, Anthony Trollope uses the young couple's drama to represent wariness in marriage. The primary reason why there is a misunderstanding in Emil's marriage is poor communication. Emily is receiving many visitors and she does not bother to explain to Louis why they are coming. Louis gets the chance of thinking that the male visitors are after his wife. Therefore, Louis feels disrespected and on the other hand, Emily feels distrusted.

  3. 3

    How does the author develop the theme of combat zone of love among the youth in the novel He Knew He Was Right?

    One thing that cannot be disputed in the novel He Knew He Was Right is that it has many young couples. Most of the characters are youths and they are trying to experience love for the first time in their lives. It is interesting to note that even after getting married, young couples still want more relationships with secretive lovers. For example, Emily is married but still, she is entertaining other suitors. Similarly, Nora is loved by Charles but she is after Hugh. Therefore, the novel revolves around young couples and love.

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