
Hatchet Chapter 11

Read page 100 carefully before answering: Why migh children today behave the way Brian did before the change page 100 refers to. Do you think this is a good or bad thing?

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Many children today are tone deaf to the rhythems of nature. They spend their time in front of a computer screen instead of being in the elements and interacting with nature. The biggest change, Brian realizes, is his mental change. His mind is different. He thinks and hears differently, recognizing the sounds of the forest and automatically knowing what they are before he even registers hearing them. He sees differently, too; when he looks at a bird he sees not just the bird as a whole, but every individual feather, its size and shape, all of those details. Whenever he hears a sound or sees a sight, he reflectively moves towards it, prepared to deal with whatever it is. He is changing.