Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

How does Harry Potter grow in Book 2?

i need quotes from the text/exapmles from the text

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In The Chamber of Secrets, Harry survived Voldemort's attack and so is famous in the wizarding world as "The Boy Who Lived." Voldemort also left him with a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead, and at the end of The Chamber of Secrets, Harry learns that Voldemort left a part of himself in Harry as well, which is why Harry is a Parselmouth with the ability to speak with snakes. In contrast to his fame in the wizarding world, Harry is isolated, neglected, and abused in the mundane Muggle world. His two best friends are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. When the Dursleys lock Harry in his room Ron comes to his rescue, bringing him home to his family at the Burrow, where Harry experiences a loving household for the first time. Harry is insecure about his identity. He secretly worries that the Sorting Hat placed him in the wrong house at Hogwarts and that he could be the heir of Slytherin. During the panic over the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, other Hogwarts students become afraid of Harry. As he endures the same social isolation in the wizarding world that he endured at home, he becomes angry. He is initially fooled by Tom Riddle because he relates to Riddle's experience of being an orphan. He is willing to break rules, assume responsibility beyond his years, and take risks to find out the truth and defeat Voldemort. He remains both brave and loyal to his friends. As an infant, Harry was saved by the love of his mother. Love allows him to emerge a triumphant hero of the story.


