
Why does the book hamlet focus more on conversation and reflection more than action?

I have to write an essay for my AP Literature class with this prompt and I am having a hard time finding anything useful or concrete proof/evidence. If anyone has/knows anything that can be useful please share it. Thank you for your time.

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Many people consider Hamlet's endless musings about everything that crosses his mind to be his tragic flaw. Hamlet ruminates about the evil nature of man consuming him with just a few drops of "dram of evil". Then Hamlet ruminates about the nature of evil and the small details that define evil. Will Hamlet ever stop thinking? Hamlet indulges in his tragic flaw of over thinking and analyzing things. Hamlet is well aware of this flaw; he spends a whole soliloquy lamenting about it. If Hamlet were more like his character foil, young Fortinbras, he would have killed and buried Claudius by now: instead, Hamlet indulges in his tragic flaw of over thinking and analyzing things.