
I need help coming up with ideas for body paragraphs for a Hamlet essay.

Prompt: Write an essay in which you explore why this play, for much of it's length, focuses more on conversation and reflection than action and why this, in your opinion, contributes to a theme of the play.

I am required to write 4 body paragraphs with this prompt, on one I thought about talking about hamlet focusing more on conversation and reflection rather than action and another paragraph(4th, last one) that talks about a theme of the play. The theme I thought about was, "Actions louder thank words".

I still need two more ideas for the other two body paragraphs, anyone have any suggestions?

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Your body should deal with your main points. I'm not sure what your main points are. Hamlet's strengths and flaws are in his ability to think and overthink his situations. Unfortunately we can't help with the writing process on this short answer forum.