Gulliver's Travels

Voyage account

jai maruti a ship started its voyage on 1st january 2002 from mumbai to kolkata and back . on 31 march 2002 on which date final accounts are closed the return voyage was still in progress. the ship was insured for rs. 1000000 at 2% per annum. from the following information particulars , you are required to prepare voyage account for this specific venture: wages and salaries : rs 50000 , stores purchased : rs. 20000 , port charges : rs. 10000 , diesel and fuel: rs. 25000, sundry charges: rs. 4000 , depreciation per annum @ 5%, freight earned outward : rs. 150000, freight earned inward : rs. 60000, passage money :rs. 10000 , stores in hand on 31 march rs. 2000 , address commission : outward freight @ 5% , return outward @4% , primage on both freights @5% , manager is entitled to a commision of 5% on profit earned ... solved this question??M

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