Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver gets charged up with great ecstasy and delight when he hears about the Struldbrugs. Describe it in your own words. What does it tell you about Gulliver? Who deflates his balloon of ecstasy and how?

Gulliver gets charged up with great ecstasy and delight when he hears about the Struldbrugs. Describe it in your own words. What does it tell you about Gulliver? Who deflates his balloon of ecstasy and how?

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Gulliver learns about the Struldbrug children who are born to Luggnaggians but who have a red dot on each of their foreheads. These children are immortal, which causes Gulliver to fantasize about what he would do if he were immortal. He dreams of the ability to take his time becoming a master of many different subjects and amassing great wealth. But Gulliver soon comes to learn that the Struldbrug children are actually very unhappy and jealous of those people who can die. They find their own lives depressing.

Immortality turns out not to be as wonderful as many people think. The Struldbrugs are depressed, perhaps because there is no reason to act quickly. They have all the time in the world. Meanwhile, they have plenty of time to see what mortals have done for themselves and their society in their fleeting time alive.

