Gulliver's Travels

brief character sketch of dutchman,the pirate?

from gulliver's travel part 3and 4

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It is rather ironic that it is the Dutchman that is dastardly and malicious compared to the pirates that are fairly benign. The Dutchman betrays a fellow Christian out of greed and because he is just plain mean. He would like Gulliver killed. The Pirates, on the other hand, spare Gulliver's life.

characterctics of dutchman



It is rather ironic that it is the Dutchman that is dastardly and malicious compared to the pirates that are fairly benign. The Dutchman betrays a fellow Christian out of greed and because he is just plain mean. He would like Gulliver killed. The Pirates, on the other hand, spare Gulliver's life.

It is rather ironic that it is the Dutchman that is dastardly and malicious compared to the pirates that are fairly benign. The Dutchman betrays a fellow Christian out of greed and because he is just plain mean. He would like Gulliver killed. The Pirates, on the other hand, spare Gulliver's life.

It is rather ironic that it is the Dutchman that is dastardly and malicious compared to the pirates that are fairly benign. The Dutchman betrays a fellow Christian out of greed and because he is just plain mean. He would like Gulliver killed. The Pirates, on the other hand, spare Gulliver's life.

Yeah, that's making the least amount of SENSE SHAURYA. Thanks for the TIP Shaurya.

It is rather ironic that it is the Dutchman that is dastardly and malicious compared to the pirates that are fairly benign. The Dutchman betrays a fellow Christian out of greed and because he is just plain mean. He would like Gulliver killed. The Pirates, on the other hand, spare Gulliver's life.

it is ironic isn't it?


Character sketch of Dutchman and Pirate


Gulliver's travel