Grounded Quotes


"Know That You are Not Safe

Know That You Can Keep Me Here Forever You Can

Bury Me in a Bunker of Grey But That Does Not Protect

You for One Day it Will Be Your Turn Your Child's Turn

and Yea Though You Mark Each and Every Door with

Blood None of the Guilty Will Be Spared





The Pilot

These are the final poetic words of The Pilot who has been court martialed for not killing a target because the target's daughter would be killed as well. She, in her mind, has become the judge of the guilty, and where she once found the enemy army to be guilty her gaze has turned upon her own people who have killed the innocent.

"I wake up with ponies on my pillow

Surrounding me

Pink ponies everywhere

Guess we had a special time after all"

The Pilot

With a week off from work, The Pilot needs to catch up on sleep. Her daughter Sam has surrounded her mother with pink ponies while she slept. It is a symbol that Sam needs her mother, and wants to spend time with her, but the toll the war is taking on The Pilot is significant and we see one facet here in that she is physically and mentally exhausted.

"I never wanted to take it off

Staring at myself in the mirror

Myself in this

I had earned this

This was me now

This was who I was now who I'd become through sweat

and brains and guts

This is me"

The Pilot

These are the opening words of the play spoken by The Pilot. She has earned this great dream she has sacrificed for, and the uniform she speaks of, her Air Force Flight Suit represents the price she has paid in order to get to where she is. This opening gives weight to what she will have to sacrifice in the story.

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