
Why do you think Grendel singles out Unferth?How is Unferth’s punishment worse than death? Do you think Unferth learns or grows from his encounter with Grendel?


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Grendel humiliates Unferth because Unferth's only desire was notariety...... and Grendel wasn't going to give it to him. Grendel refused to fight because he wasn't going to allow Unferth to be known as a hero...... without Grendel's cooperation..... there couldn't be a heroic deed.

“It will be sung,” he whispered, then paused again to get wind. “It will be sung year on year and age on age that Unferth went down through the burning lake—” he paused to pant “—and gave his life in battle with the world-rim monster.” He let his cheek fall to the floor and lay panting for a long time, saying nothing. It dawned on me that he was waiting for me to kill him. I did nothing. I sat down and put my elbows on my knees and my chin on my fists and merely watched.


Grendel, Chapter Six