Great Expectations

To what story is Pip alluding to at the end of chapter LXI (56) when he mention the two men who went to the Temple to pray? Where is that story found? How does that story affect the way in which you see Magwitch and his death?

chapter 56

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Pip is referring to the Biblical story about the proud man and the humble man. Thinking back on this story, Pip is reminded of the fragility of salvation, and in my opinion, believes that Magwitch should be forgiven his sins.... that he should not be judged solely on the things he did wrong.

Mindful, then, of what we had read together, I thought of the two men who went up into the Temple to pray, and I knew there were no better words that I could say beside his bed, than “O Lord, be merciful to him a sinner!”


Great Expectations