Great Expectations

In chapter 51, how does Jagger's refer to Wemmicks after hearing Pips news? What is Jagger's advice concerning Estella's parentage?

Great expectations chapter 51

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Pip tells Jaggers that he knows his servant woman is the mother of Estella and that Jaggers brought her to Miss Havisham. He also tells him Magwitch is the father. Jaggers was not aware of this and is as visibly amazed as Jaggers can get. Then Pip asks him to give him more details on the story and appeals to Wemmick, standing by, to help him. While doing so, he tells Jaggers of Wemmick's warm castle and of his "Aged" relative. Jaggers is amazed at this as well, and tells Pip more of the story.

Jaggers had, in fact, talked (or rather threatened) his servant woman out of keeping the child and knew that Miss Havisham was looking to adopt. His reasoning amazes Pip, and Wemmick moreso, with its humanity. Jaggers says he wanted to save the child, to give it a chance in life, because he had seen too many children in her situation grow up in and out of jails and surrounded by the dangerous world of crime.
