Graduation Day Characters

Graduation Day Character List


Cia is the main character and the protagonist of the novel. Cia is able to use her knowledge and power to bring down the nefarious system of Testing used throughout her world. At first, Cia is an innocent girl, who has worked all of her life to get into the Commonwealth education system. If you fail the test, you will die, and she was one of those that succeeded. However, she begins to realize that the system is wrong, and finds that other people agree. The rebellion at the school is quite popular, but she finds out it is simply a hoax to distract people from the real problems. By the end of the novel, with help, she is able to bring down the Testing system.

President Collindar

Although Collindar is one of the executives at the school, Cia finds him to be quite helpful to the cause. He does not agree with the Testing system, just like her, and decides to help in the rebellion. When Cia tells him that the rebellion is fake, he doesn't really believe her, thinking that no one could be so cruel as to lie about something like that.

Dr. Barnes

The evil doctor and antagonist of the story, Barnes is the main person in charge of the system - at least to the knowledge of the public. Dr. Barnes purposely placed fake people in charge of the false rebellion, just so they could be distracted from the Testing. Truly an evil person, Dr. Barnes makes sure that people will follow his system, even though he ultimately fails in the end.

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